Re: Issue 72, was: Status of IANA Considerations (registrations and registries) -- issues 40, 59, 72, 79

Mark Nottingham wrote:
> Looks good from here, and yes, this should be a WG item.
 > ...


> Q: any more thoughts about whether to add things like safety, 
> idempotence to the registry?
> ...

I have added "safeness" to the registration "template" (in quotes 
because it currently isn't really a template) -- 

The relevant sections now read:

3.1.  Method Registry

    The HTTP Method Registry defines the name space for the Method token
    in the Request line of an HTTP request.

    Registrations MUST include the following fields:

    o  Method Name (see Section 3)

    o  Safe ("yes" or "no", see Section 8.1.1)

    o  Pointer to specification text

    Values to be added to this name space are subject to IETF review
    ([RFC5226], Section 4.1).  Any document registering new method names
    should be traceable through statuses of either 'Obsoletes' or
    'Updates' to this document.

    The registry itself is maintained at


11.1.  Method Registry

    The registration procedure for HTTP Methods is defined by Section 3.1
    of this document.

    The HTTP Method Registry located at
    <> should be populated
    with the registrations below:

    | Method  | Safe | Reference   |
    | CONNECT | no   | Section 8.9 |
    | DELETE  | no   | Section 8.7 |
    | GET     | yes  | Section 8.3 |
    | HEAD    | yes  | Section 8.4 |
    | OPTIONS | yes  | Section 8.2 |
    | POST    | no   | Section 8.5 |
    | PUT     | no   | Section 8.6 |
    | TRACE   | yes  | Section 8.8 |

As usually, this raises more questions:

- Is the explanation of "safeness" sufficient?

- Did I get the values for the HTTP/1.1 methods right? (what about 

BR, Julian

Received on Friday, 18 July 2008 11:52:41 UTC