Re: NEW ISSUE: Content-* headers vs PUT

James M Snell wrote:
> Julian: for the PATCH doc, how's this:
> If a PATCH request contains any entity-headers the server does not
> understand, the server MUST return a 501 (Not Implemented) response. A

Hm. That makes PATCH "must-understand", contrary to most other HTTP verbs.

Why do we care?

> server that understands a particular entity-header can choose to ignore
> it; however, doing so can produce results that are unexpected or
> unintended by the client. All entity-headers contained in the request
> apply only to the contained patch document and MUST NOT be applied to
> the resource being modified.

The last sentence sounds good, but I think everything else isn't needed.

Is there a particular header you have in mind that -- when ignored by 
the server -- would cause trouble?

Best regards, Julian

Received on Friday, 27 July 2007 18:23:46 UTC