Re: [Ietf-caldav] [Fwd: draft-reschke-http-addmember-00]

On Thu, 2005-02-17 at 21:07 +0100, Julian Reschke wrote:
> Scott Lawrence wrote:

> > But you could just as easily and precisely define those semantics by
> > using POST and defining the mime type and operations it supports.
> In which case I couldn't use the content-type of my actual request body 
> for the Content-Type request header, right?

I fear that I may have lost the thread of your comment... you cannot use
Content-Type to send anything _but_ the content type of your request

> > You won't get caught be firewalls and proxy servers that think they know
> > better about what methods are legitimate (which you most assuredly will
> > if you create a new method - ask the WebDav implementors), and you won't
> > have changed the semantics of the method at all.
> I am one of these WebDAV implementors, thanks. I haven't had any issues 
> with issues for a long time.

Then you've been living on a nicer part of the net than I do.  I run a
server that provides subversion over webdav methods, and it's a routine
item to tell people to use ssl to access it so that their proxy won't
reject the webdav methods.

Received on Monday, 21 February 2005 20:32:26 UTC