Re: PATCH thoughts...

    Is there a binary delta format being used, or planned, for delta
    transmission of cached documents?
    What I mean is that if I have a cached entity with etag "abcdefg", and
    I request it with If-None-Match, then maybe a server or cache could
    send me the delta between what I have and the current entity - just to
    reduce bandwidth.
    If there's such a standard being proposed or even still being
    designed, it would probably be good to pick the same binary delta
IETF Proposed Standards:
    RFC3229: Delta encoding in HTTP

    RFC3284: The VCDIFF Generic Differencing and Compression Data Format

RFC3229 lists a few other possible formats, but vcdiff seems
to be the consensus (among experts in the area) for the best


Received on Wednesday, 28 April 2004 18:35:06 UTC