Re: Age Header Field in HTTP/1.1

(Reference: draft-fielding-http-age-00.txt)

Roy writes, regarding the specification for the Age header in
section 14.6 of RFC2068:

      If a cache receives a value larger than the largest positive integer
      it can represent, or if any of its age calculations overflows, it
      MUST transmit an Age header with a value of 2147483648 (2^31).
      HTTP/1.1 caches MUST send an Age header in every response. Caches
      SHOULD use an arithmetic type of at least 31 bits of range.

   This document focuses on the ambiguous use of the term "caches" in
   the second-to-last line above. 


   There are two possible interpretations of

      HTTP/1.1 caches MUST send an Age header in every response.


      a) An HTTP/1.1 server that includes a cache MUST send an Age
         header field in every response.
      b) An HTTP/1.1 server that includes a cache MUST include an Age
	 header field in every response generated from its own cache.
For the record, when I wrote this paragraph (and I did write it),
I should have written "HTTP/1.1 proxy caches", not "HTTP/1.1 caches".
My error; I was being sloppy.

So the issue here is not the ambiguity of the term "caches"; it
is whether a proxy cache that immediately forwards a response must
add an Age header to it, or not.

   If we were to assume that

      An HTTP/1.1 server that includes a cache MUST send an Age
      header field in every response.

   is true, then an HTTP/1.1 proxy containing a cache would be required
   to add an Age header field value to every response that was
   forwarded, including those that were obtained first-hand from the
   origin server and never touched by the caching mechanism.  This would
   directly contradict the paragraph in section 13.2.1 of RFC 2068 that

      The expiration mechanism applies only to responses taken from a cache
      and not to first-hand responses forwarded immediately to the
      requesting client.

No, this is not a contradiction.  That paragraph from section 13.2.1
pertains to the decision about whether a response is stale or fresh.
This is quite distinct from any rules about how the inputs to that
decision are provided.

   and also directly contradicts the last paragraph of section 13.2.3 of
   RFC 2068 that states:

      Note that a client cannot reliably tell that a response is first-
      hand, but the presence of an Age header indicates that a response
      is definitely not first-hand.

This is indeed a contradiction; the Note in section 13.2.3 is erroneous.
My fault.  The Note should simply say

      Note that a client cannot reliably tell that a response is first-

(plus the part that Roy didn't quote).

   However, in section 13.2.3 of RFC 2068, we also find

      In essence, the Age value is the sum of the time that the response
      has been resident in each of the caches along the path from the
      origin server, plus the amount of time it has been in transit along
      network paths.

   which in our example would imply an age value of (a+b+c+d).

You are reading this without paying attention to the clear statement
in the previous paragraph that "the Age header value is the sender's
estimate of the  amount of time since the response was generated at
the origin server."  The word "estimate" there on purpose.  The
phrase "In essence" was meant to reinforce that, but I guess it
didn't help enough.  If you prefer, we can rewrite that statement
      In essence, the Age value is the sum of the time that the response
      has been resident in each of the caches along the path from the
      origin server, plus the amount of time it has been in transit along
      network paths, plus a bound on the estimation error.

All of the points I make above are minor details; the real question
comes up later in Roy's draft.

In section 4, "Analysis of Option B", Roy carefully analyzes the
possibility that Option B might overestimate the Age value.  He
finds that there is no chance for an overestimate.  But he doesn't
include here any analysis of possible *underestimates*.  In the
following section, he does concede that these are possible.  He
then dismisses the scenario as "uncompelling" because of the number
of caches involved.  (I noticed that he doesn't point out that
in order to get a significant overestimate from the Option A
analysis, one also needs a long chain of caches.)

In section 5, Roy gets confused about what "conservative" means.
He states:

   The only argument voiced against Option B is that the calculation is
   "less conservative" than Option A, and that being "conservative" is
   better in order to "reduce as much as possible the probability of
   inadvertently delivering a stale response to a user."
   If "conservative" means "always overestimates more than the other
   option", then the argument is certainly true.  However, if the
   purpose of Age was to provide an overestimate, then why stop there?
   Why not add arbitrary amounts of age to forwarded response, just in
   case?  Why not disable caching entirely?

But apparently fails to notice that the current language does
not do any of these foolish things, nor has anyone advocated
that the HTTP/1.1 spec do any of these (as far as I know.)

It shouldn't be necessary to state, but perhaps it has to be
made clear, that the rules in section 14.6 are not there to
make the Age estimate arbitrarily high.   They are there to
make the Age estimate as accurate as possible WITHOUT UNDERESTIMATING
the value.

We can still disagree whether an underestimate or an overestimate
is preferrable.  I'll simply quote from what I wrote in August,
in :

    Underestimation is SERIOUSLY BAD, because it will lead to a cache
    believing that a response is fresh when it is, in fact, stale.

    Overestimation of the Age can lead to a cache treating a fresh
    response as stale, which can cause extra revalidation messages.
    This is somewhat inefficient, but will never lead to a client
    inadvertently seeing an expired cache entry.  Underestimation is
    thus a much worse error than overestimation, and so the spec is
    designed to avoid underestimation as assiduously as possible.

All arguments about whether caching are good or bad for the Internet
are moot, if origin servers disable caching because their clients
are unwittingly seeing stale responses.

Philosophical disagreements aside, Roy apparently ignores (or
has forgotten about) an alternative that Koen proposed in August,
and which I modified slightly; see

The proposal is that an HTTP/1.1 proxy cache:
     (1) MUST add Age when serving from cache memory
     (2) MUST add Age when relaying a response from a pre-1.1 source
     (3) SHOULD NOT add Age when relaying a response from a 1.1 or
	 higher source

Rule #1 is apparently OK with Roy, since this corresponds exactly
to his preferred option B.  Rule #3 is presumably also acceptable
to Roy, since this corresponds to his Option B in an all-HTTP/1.1
environment.  (We could quibble about whether this should be a SHOULD
NOT or a MUST NOT, but my understanding is that our principle is
"do not overconstrain the implementor", which leads to SHOULD NOT.)

Koen suggested that "source" might be replaced with "proxy cache";
I can't remember whether we ever resolved this minor point.

Rule #2 addresses the "only case in which Option A *might* result in a
better estimation than Option B", a case that Roy admits might exist
but which he considers rare.  It completely solves the problem that
I am worried about, and without causing any trouble in an all-HTTP/1.1
chain.  As Roy points out:

   [Option] A would overestimate the age on all HTTP/1.1
   requests, even when there are no longer any HTTP/1.0 proxies.

but with the revised proposal, this problem no longer exists.

As far as I can tell from the mailing list archives, Roy didn't
address this proposal when I made it.  I brought a set of slides
to the December IETF meeting to discuss this issue, but (if my
memory serves) that discussion didn't end up on the agenda.  Anyway,
I suggest that this is the proposal that Roy should be analyzing,
not the language in RFC2068.

To provide a specific replacement wording for section 14.6, Age

   If a cache receives a value larger than the largest positive integer
   it can represent, or if any of its age calculations overflows, it
   MUST transmit an Age header with a value of 2147483648 (2^31).
   An HTTP/1.1 proxy cache MUST send an Age header in every response,
   except that HTTP/1.1 proxy caches SHOULD NOT add an Age header
   to an HTTP/1.1 (or higher) response that is being forwarded
   immediately.  Caches SHOULD use an arithmetic type of at least
   31 bits of range.


Received on Monday, 31 March 1997 18:33:15 UTC