Re: ID: Proxy autoconfig

> Apparently, protocol working groups have the responsibility
> to ensure that the agents that implement their protocols are
> managable. There's an "application MIB" working group also
> scheduled for IETF, and one of the issues is network management
> of web servers. Perhaps things like proxy configurations and
> the network management of clients are a good topic to raise
> in that forum.

I dont agree, this is about configuring a user agent's service
utlization, not configuring or reporting on the server of a service.

I think this is closer a DHCP issue than any SNMP MIB stuff.

Josh Cohen				        Netscape Communications Corp.
Netscape Fire Department	               "My opinions, not Netscape's"
Server Engineering             

Received on Thursday, 27 March 1997 18:19:01 UTC