Re: 305 Use proxy

On Sun, 23 Mar 1997, Roy T. Fielding wrote:
> In message <>, Ari Luotonen writes:
> >
> >If 305 is allowed by origin servers, intermediate HTTP/1.1 proxies
> >that do not understand 305's hop-by-hope requirement will let it
> >through (I assume at this point it may be too late to impose the
> >hop-by-hop requirement for 305, and expect it to be respected by all
> >implementations).  If a client gets a 305 sent by an evil origin
> >server through a proxy, it will override the client's proxy settings,
> >because the client thinks the proxy redirected it to another proxy.
> I don't know of any clients that have implemented 305.
> Is it already in the Navigator (or other browser)?

Lynx has implemented 305 for a while.  It only accepts it from an origin
server (i.e. if not already using a proxy) and on a request-by-request
basis (like 302; no "proxy settings" are overridden except for the
current request).


Received on Sunday, 23 March 1997 12:47:18 UTC