RE: 305 Use proxy

How about a way to indicate that the client should access the origin 
server directly, i.e., should not use a proxy at all?


-----Original Message-----
From:	Josh Cohen []
Sent:	Tuesday, March 18, 1997 6:30 PM
Subject:	305 Use proxy

Below are notes and discussion points on 305 use proxy,
please read at your convenience, and voice your opinions..

This is a work item for memphis

Comments, flames, death threats welcome..
305 Use Proxy Response

After some discussions, here are some thoughts and suggestions
on the use and implementation of the 305 use proxy response.

Overview of suggestion:

(For the example, Ill assume set-proxy: as the header name)
(no bnf, Im going for concept... that can be discussed later )

set-proxy : proxy-url scope=scopePrefix
	type= once
	| forever
	| hits count=hitcount
	| lifetime=seconds

for GET HTTP/1.1

example response:
HTTP/1.1 305 Use Proxy
set-proxy : 

Suggested rules:
Origin servers may NOT send 305, only proxies may send them.
The set-proxy header is HOP BY HOP, not end to end.

On scope:
  If the returned scope is 'wider' that the request minus the part
of the path to the right of the final slash, the header should be
rejected or the user should be queried at the least.

	for the above request ( )
	 scope= VALID
	 scope=         INVALID

So basically:
for a client: ( depending on level of paranoia )
 (A)  if the scope is 'wider' than the requested URL, the user
	is queried.
 (B) if the scope is wider than the requested URL, and the 
	proxy is not in the same domain, query the user

Notes on discussions:

Cases for use:
1. An origin server wishes to redirect a client to use a proxy
	to access its resources

2. A proxy server wishes to redirect a client to another proxy.
	(the client can be another proxy )

The Current spec:
10.3.6 305 Use Proxy

The requested resource MUST be accessed through the proxy given by 
Location field. The Location field gives the URL of the proxy. The
recipient is expected to repeat the request via the proxy.

1) scope:
Does this apply to only this exact URL or any others

2) validity time:
Should the client use this proxy for this or these resources
forever, or for how long, or how many transactions?

3) Loops / hop counts
What happens if proxy A redirects the client to proxy B which
redirects it back to A?

4) is Location: header enough?
Does the location allow enough flexibility to express some or
all of these?

Im impartial on the new header / extend location header issue,
However, the security implications make the new header a
probable choice, IMHO.

5) Security
	If the scope is 'wide' ie for all HTTP transactions or even
just for one domain, how does the client know to trust that the
response was not from a malicious server.

Possible solutions:

	The redirecting host should be able to indicate a mask
for urls which are to be redirected to this proxy.
Naturally, this has security implications, ie an origin server
which tells a client to redirect to an evil proxy for ALL urls.
A safe suggestion I think it that that scope can be a prefix
which may only affect 'less significant URLS'..
  Client requests
  Server redirects to
	allowed scope:*
    not allowed scope:*
    not allowed scope:*

Validity Lifetime:
	We couldnt come to a unanimous consenses here, except for
the fact that the current spec doesnt state anything about it.

The main ideas are:
1) use this redirection forever ( or until the client is restarted )
2) use this redirection just once, and come back the next time
3) use this redirection for a specified amount of time
4) use this redirection for a specified amount of transactions

While its hard to come up with useful examples for all the cases,
I beleive that a format which is flexible enough to allow any of them
to be expresses is smartest.

While caching and proxies have been in use for a non trivial amount of 
complex, hierarchical cache systems are only starting to be deployed. 
Because of this early stage, I feel that its best to keep as many
options open as possible, and give an much flexibility to 
as possible.

	Overall, this should be a solveable problem.  Intelligent
ICP type protocols should be able to avoid loops, but the idea
of some sort of 'redirected via' flag/signal/indicator isnt 

Location: header.
	If people feel that we need to express a scope and a lifetime,
we'll need to either extend the Location: header or create a new one.

extending Location:
	Presently, Location is defined as

	    Location       = "Location" ":" absoluteURI	

	which leaves it open for extensions, it doesnt clobber
anything else.  The question is, though, will existing servers and 
choke on additional fields..

A new header:
	A new header gives us the most flexibility, not having to worry
as much about the installed base.

Security Implementation:
	Depending on your security stance, the implementation of this
response could be considered unimplementable.  Its clear that this 
to be a hop-by-hop header, but that alone doesnt make the security 
go away.  Since most proxies will forward any header to the client,
the client has no way to discern where the set-proxy header came 

If the 305 is used by proxies to load balance, distribute cache, or 
wide scopes are most beneficial, ie for ALL HTTP URLs or ALL URLS
use xyz proxy.  Unfortunately security implications make scope 
necessary.  Even if the 1.1 spec is modified to make set-proxy a
hop-by-hop header, its easy for a malicious server to take advantage.

Without the scope restrictions, a malicious server can simply reply
with a 1.1 header, including a wide scope.  A 1.1 compliant proxy
should reject or supress this header, but an existing 1.0 or older
proxy will happily forward this header to the 1.1 client.
This client would have no way of knowing if the 305 came from the
proxy or the malicious origin server.

Unfortunately, this makes the scope restrictions necessary.  At the
same time, it makes large scale load balancing or failover difficult,
since the a proxy can use this response to redirect a scope wider
than one host to another proxy.

Reasons for expressing scope, type and lifetime.

	It is wise to allow 305 to affect more than one single resource.
If not, a redirect would have to be sent for every subsequent request
to a site.

	The rationale for expressing a lifetime, expressed in hits or
time, for a redirect's validity is in dispute.  As stated earlier,
large cache hierarchies arent widespread, so its difficult to come
up with real world examples.  I welcome discussion on this.
However, I will cite an example where it is useful.

Imagine a large organization with a complicated, multi-level cache
hierarchy.  Client A normally talks to proxy A which is 
close to it.  Proxy A has some intelligence, lets say ICP, to route 
the proxy hierarchy through a few other proxies, and out to the 
Proxy A finds itself unable to contact its parent, or has stopped 
due to cache garbage collection, or is for some reason, unable to 
the client.  Rather than stop all web traffic in proxy A's 
proxy A uses the 305 to redirect client A to proxy B, which is far 
and across a slow pipe.  This allows client A to continue to access
web based resources, but at a slower rate.

Without a lifetime associated with the redirect, it would be either
one-shot, or forever.  If it was one-shot, every client talking to 
proxy A
would attempt to retreive via proxy A and get redirected every time.
If it was a 'forever' then those clients would continue to use
the slow link and proxy forever, or at least until they restarted 
client and reverted to defaults.

By associating a lifetime, a proxy can say "Im in trouble, go use 
other area proxy for 10 minutes, then check back with me.  If Im 
in trouble, Ill redirect you again".	

Josh Cohen				        Netscape Communications Corp.
Netscape Fire Department	
Server Engineering 

Received on Thursday, 20 March 1997 05:22:32 UTC