Some issues for the list

Hi Jim,

Here are some issues for the list at which you seem to
have missed.

1. implied LWS rule does not talk about LWS as delimiter between
tokens, but as some 1.1 headers use LWS instead of tspecials as
delimiters between tokens.


2. is a CRLF in a quoted-string legal, and what is the relation to
header continuation?


3. confusion about accept-encoding language


4. The list entry

LANGUAGE-TAG         Language tag matching needs
                     to be added. 

links to a discussion on the meaning of q=0.0, which is an issue
separate from the LANGUAGE-TAG issue.  The discussion of the issue
`Language tag matching needs to be added' happens later on
( in
the same thread.

Note addressed mostly to Larry:

I see that the link `The process used to close out the issues for
Proposed Standard' still leads to a `not found' error.  I find this
worrying.  I had hoped that some subgroup would be set up to generate
proposed resolutions before Memphis, so that people would have the
chance to check these resolutions against the discussions in the
mailing list archive beforehand.  Frankly, I can't see how we are
going to reach closure on even a fraction of >50 issues in Memphis, if
all we have to start with is printouts of the current issue list and
our incomplete memories of past threads.


Received on Sunday, 23 March 1997 09:52:43 UTC