Re: How to add new "protocols" ?

Ross Writes:

> Yes, but so will IPv6.  Despite some assertions to the contrary, it is
> still possible that IPv6 domain literals will need to be supported in
> URLs.  The jury won't be in until we see a lot of serious IPv6
> deployment.  And generic parsers already have the colon problem with
> "ftp://user:password@host:port/..." URLs.  Not that all of them succeed,
> though.

A long time ago there was an idea that the syntax of all the URLs be
common. That is they would all share the form scheme://host:port/ whatever.
This scheme was villified by the gopher people who were obsessing about 
some corner case on an obscure platform thats now practically defunct.

The user@password bit is IMHO an abomination. It should not be in the 
locator, at most the username has a place there - but people didn't care
about security much then.

Anyone who doesn't think that there will be a need for IPv6 domain literals
should ponder the fact that nobody was ever meant to need to write URLs
at all - or at most in extreeme circumstances. Tim's Next browser/editor kept
them where they should be - hidden from view.


Received on Tuesday, 18 February 1997 14:10:37 UTC