Re: Please clarify * is legal in HTTP1/1 Accept-Charset Header

On Jan 10,  7:53pm, Koen Holtman wrote:

> > It would correct a
> > sitiation where browsers send a list of things they do accept, followed
> > by *, and this is (currently) often taken to mean exactly the same as
> > if they had only sent the *.
> In my opinion, this sitiatiomn should be corrected by changing the browsers
> to send good accept headers, not by changing the spec to mandate some kind
> of workaround in the server.

Oh, certainly. I was just suggesting better defined behaviour for servers
talking with existing clients.

> We could add a note to the spec telling that many existing 1.0 clients
> erroneously send `Accept: a/b, c/d, *' when they mean `Accept: a/b, c/d,
> *;q=0.1',

Or indeed, a lower q factor than any explicitly listed, as suggested

> But that is about as far as I would like to go.

Sure. I was not proposing that clients should not send q factors -
they should. I wish more did. But it is as well to specify what the
server should do when they don't, or don't for all the possibilities
they specify.

Chris Lilley, W3C                          [ ]
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Received on Friday, 10 January 1997 18:29:55 UTC