Charsets revisited

I have scanned HTTP-WG archive since July 1995 and did not found
answers to the following questions (if they already answered, then

1. Charset for query in URI (section 3.2.1)

National characters are allowed in query, but nothind said
about charset. Per section 5, full-request can be just
request-line, thus charset information must be in URI
itself (how?).

2. Accept-Charset (section 10.2)

Any rationale behind having no quality factor for charset?
Is the order in the list significant? Is there any explicit

"The US-ASCII character set can be assumed to be acceptable ...".
I think, this should written as "The ISO-8859-1 character set ...".
Otherwise agent with ISO-8859-5 only would not be able
to handle US-ASCII entity body (see last paragraph of
section 3.7.1).

Received on Tuesday, 23 January 1996 09:49:04 UTC