Re: Charsets revisited

Nickolay Saukh writes:

> > For your chess example if the
> > content provider has decided that the "rough approximation in iso-8859-5"
> > and the representation in Unicode are multiple representations of the same
> > abstract idea, then we have content equivilance and the lowest bs rule for
> > deciding which character set to provide holds.
> By lowest bs rule server will ALWAYS send iso-8859-5 representation
> because it about two times less then Unicode one (for russian).

How is this actually implemented? Would that be that for every
charset that you have the number of characters in there, and
then you chose the charset of the acccept-charset  with the best fit?
Where do you have the database?

I think this is a bit unpractical, also the heuristics of it.
Maybe it should be that the list of accept-charsets are ordered by
preference and the first one that fits is the one transferred.
There should also be fallback rules, if no exact fit is encountered.


Received on Thursday, 25 January 1996 02:48:52 UTC