RE: [Content-MD5 and Message Digest Authentication.], MD5 broken.

Digest Auth already has the algorithm as a parameter. The name
"Content-MD5" can't be changed for historical reasons.

>From: 	Roy T. Fielding[SMTP:fielding@avron.ICS.UCI.EDU]
>Sent: 	Friday, April 26, 1996 4:08 PM
>Subject: 	Re: [Content-MD5 and Message Digest Authentication.], MD5
>> Content-MD5: 2A1238912371239587; alg=SHA
>> This construction is likely to break for obvious reasons.
>Phill, this has already been discussed to death.  There is no advantage
>to using a generic parameter name for an Entity-Header -- they can be
>or removed at any time.  The only thing you accomplish in such a
>is for programs to have to parse the contents of the header field in
>order to know whether or not it is applicable to them, which is a
>bad design.
>The obvious way to handle a new digest algorithm like SHA is
>   Content-SHA: 2A1238912371239587
>which is exactly how the HTTP protocol is designed.  Leave it be.
> ...Roy T. Fielding
>    Department of Information & Computer Science   
>    University of California, Irvine, CA 92717-3425   

Received on Friday, 26 April 1996 16:34:45 UTC