Re: cookie draft available

Disk space is about 1,000 times cheaper than flash ram, and gets cheaper 
the more you buy it. When you can store 1K of date for a million users 
for a hundred dollars or so, it's much better to keep the data on the 
If the server needs the data for correct operation, they should look 
after it, unless the client volunteers to keep it of its own volition.


They say in  online country             So which side are you on boys
There is no middle way                  Which side are you on
You'll either be a Usenet man           Which side are you on boys
Or a thug for the CDA                   Which side are you on?
  National Union of Computer Operatives; Hackers, local 37   APL-CPIO

Received on Sunday, 21 April 1996 15:27:49 UTC