Harrie Hazewinkel: announcement http-mib mailing list

[ This was probably meant for the list -- ange ]

------- Forwarded Message

Date:    Tue, 17 Oct 1995 08:55:52 +0100
From:    hazewink@cs.utwente.nl (Harrie Hazewinkel)
To:      http-wg-request@cuckoo.hpl.hp.com
Subject: announcement http-mib mailing list


Since a couple of weeks there is an http-mailing list available !!

On this mailing list a few persons are just starting some preliminary 
discussions on the design of - and implementation of a http-mib and/or 
a www-mib.

The number of participants on this list is quite small, at this moment, so 
we will be very happy when other persons should join us.

If you're interested in http-mib related matters or you even want 
to contribute to the 'standardization?' of a www-mib and/or http-mib,
then take a look at the network management page of Carl Kalbfleisch 
with url:


On this page you find all kind of http information. For instance, on how to 
subscribe to the aformentioned mailing list, etc etc etc ...


------- End of Forwarded Message

Received on Tuesday, 17 October 1995 03:38:10 UTC