Re: WG last call on HTTP/1.0 -- Where's Accept:?

I was putting together a reply to Koen Holtman's note on Accept-*
header structure, and went to double check


to see what part of Accept: was left in 1.0 vs. relegated to 1.1, and
lo, while it says:

>   HTTP uses Internet Media Types [13] (formerly referred to as MIME 
>   Content-Types [5]) in order to provide open and extensible data 
>   typing and type negotiation.


>       Request-Header = Authorization            ; Section 8.2
>                      | From                     ; Section 8.8
>                      | If-Modified-Since        ; Section 8.9
>                      | Referer                  ; Section 8.14
>                      | User-Agent               ; Section 8.16

>   Request-Header field names can be extended only via a change in the 
>   protocol version. Unknown header fields are treated as 
>   Entity-Header fields.

I assume this is an oversight, certainly it wasn't intentional to make
"Accept:" illegal in HTTP/1.0.


Received on Thursday, 21 September 1995 05:53:30 UTC