Re: 411 response code: clarification, please

At 01:50 PM 8/17/95 -0400, Roy Fielding writes:
>On the other hand, we could just use 401 for both, but I was told
>earlier (on the list) that the 411 semantics were needed.

Could you summarize why 411 is needed?  If I'm reading draft 01 right,
anytime someone mistypes their username or password for Basic authentication
the server should send back 411.  I know this change will break at least
some of the existing web browsers, since they look for 401 to trigger their
authentication code.  There should be a very compelling reason to make a
major change from current practice, especially since current practice is so
widely implemented.

Jim Seidman, Senior Software Engineer
Spyglass Inc., 1230 E. Diehl Road, Naperville IL 60563

Received on Friday, 18 August 1995 12:17:44 UTC