Is version history a collection?

Is the version history resource a webdav collection? I could not find out
RFC 3253 specifically mentioning this. 
However, in most of the examples in the RFC, resource paths are specified in
such a way as to indicate that the version history resource as a collection.


Here it looks like "ver" is a member of the collection /his/73

If version history is a collection, then why do we need the DAV:version-set
property? Because, we can still achieve the same by a PROPFIND with depth 1
on the version history (or rather on /his/23/ver in the above example).

If its not so, then it means that we are returning a URL to which we cannot
browse to i.e., the version URL is not a webdav-compliant URL?


Received on Monday, 15 April 2002 06:24:02 UTC