Re: DAV:lockdiscovery on a checked-out resource

> Acquiring a LOCK on a checked-in version-controlled resource is harmless,
> but versioning semantics will prevent the content of the checked-in
> version-controlled resource from changing anyway.

Take the following typical actions of a non-versioning aware client:
LOCK /foo
GET /foo

If the resource is a VCR, then I think what you are saying is that the LOCK
will succeed and the PUT will fail (if DAV:auto-version is "never"), since
the resource is DAV:checked-in and modifying it would therefore change an
already existing version of /foo (not good).
Though, if the PUT would fail with Locked status-code (assuming it would)
but the client would realize that they owned the lock on the resource and
think, "Now what do I do?".

I realize that wanting your versioning server to be DAV class 2 compatible,
you wouldn't/shouldn't have DAV:auto-version  of "never".  Do I have a
point?  I guess I just want some justification on my interpretation of this
and if the PUT does fail, with what status-code: "423 Locked", ???


Received on Monday, 26 March 2001 09:38:15 UTC