- From: Geoffrey M. Clemm <geoffrey.clemm@rational.com>
- Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2001 18:26:41 -0500 (EST)
- To: ietf-dav-versioning@w3.org
Jim forgot Edgar Schwarz and Preston Bannister's messages (both dated 2/3/2001), both of whom voted for submitting the combined document to the IESG. Also, Jim Amsden left me phone mail saying that he was in favor of submitting a combined document to the IESG (JimA, please do send email to the list, to make it official). Greg and Juergen expressed their desire to split the document before we cleanly separated out the core and options sections. So I'd be interested in hearing whether they still believe it should be split, especially since one of the prime motivations for doing the split is to defer the submission of the options to the IESG. So with the addition of JimA, Eric, and Ron, that makes it: JimW, Larry, Mark, Lisa, Chris in favor of splitting Greg, Juergen possibly in favor of splitting Geoff, Tim, James, Edgar, Preston, Eric, Ron, JimA in favor of keeping together So that makes the straw poll: 5 for splitting 2 maybe for splitting 8 for keeping together So depending on how we count the "maybe"s, that would make it either 8-7 in favor of keeping together or 8-5 in favor of keeping it together. So as Jim said, "Not entirely rough consensus, but it certainly shows a leaning in one direction." (:-). Cheers, Geoff From: "Jim Whitehead" <ejw@cse.ucsc.edu> Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2001 11:50:35 -0800 Back on December 1, 2000, I opined that splitting off core versioning from the options seemed like a good idea, giving reasons both for and against the split [1]. At the time, Greg Stein [2] and Juergen Reuter both favored a split, though Juergen suggested that the split criteria should be to include all versioning features in one document, and configuration management features in another [3]. Geoff Clemm stated that he would be willing to make such a split, but indicated that he was concerned that this might delay core [4]. On February 2, 2001, the issue resurfaced, with Larry Masinter favoring splitting off core, adding a new rationale [5]: "Everything outside of core versioning is much less likely to progress along standards track at the same rate as core versioning (more time to get independent interoperable implementations of every feature); by linking "core versioning" with "non-core" in the initial spec, you're setting yourself up for having to split the documents later. Much of non-core is controversial." On this same date, Mark Hale began a thread titled, "Complexity and Core Considerations", where he polls working group members on whether they think the specification should be split along core/non-core lines [6]. I replied, stating that I felt the specification should be split [7], to which Chris Kaler [8] and Lisa Dusseault [9] agreed. Geoff Clemm [10], Tim Ellison [11],and James Hunt [12] all disagreed, and want the protocol specification unsplit. So, at present we have six in favor of a split, three against. Not entirely rough consensus, but it certainly shows a leaning in one direction. - Jim
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