Re: Re (2): Labels and Status

Adding new properties with no semantics is a slippery slope
that I am reluctant to travel any further than absolutely
necessary.  Currently, we just have two: "comment" and
"creator-displayname".  "Creator-displayname" is relatively
well understood, and "comment" is for anything else with
no semantics.

So until we define some interoperable semantics for "status", I
believe this is much better left to a separate document describing
"interesting properties with no interoperable semantics".


   From: "Lisa Dusseault" <>

   Labels won't solve the problem, for us and I suspect also for you,
   because you can't have more than one version in a version history have
   the same label.

   So although you could mark one version with the label "author_edgar",
   you could only do that to one version.  I think by the very example you
   chose you want to be need to have custom mutable properties.

   > From:
   > "Lisa Dusseault" <> wrote:
   > > Yes, many versioning systems have "status" properties on
   > versions, and
   > > the "status" property should be mutable, i.e. should be
   > writable without
   > > creating a new version.
   > snip
   > > Thus, versioning needs a general way to allow creation of custom
   > > properties which are mutable, AND custom properties which
   > are immutable.
   > > The server would of course reject requests for mutable
   > properties if it
   > > does not support mutability, but we need a standard way for
   > clients to
   > > ask for this.
   > I saw no reply to that yet so I will give my $0.02.
   > I think a mutable status property is essential if I want to do some
   > document management.
   > To be more flexible I also would want to to have at least arbitrary
   > mutable properties to add to a version.
   > Or can I mimic that by adding multiple labels to a version ? E.g.
   > doc#1 status_accepted, author_edgar
   > doc#2 status_working, author_lisa (sometimes authors of
   > documents change)

Received on Sunday, 4 February 2001 16:06:40 UTC