Re: remove DAV:version property?

   From: Greg Stein <>

   btw, I just noticed: the expand-property example has an error: the
   activity-set for .../ver/1 is missing <href> tags.

Thanks for noticing that!  Will fix.

   [ also note that expand-property "violates" DTDs for properties. cool with
     me, but some DTD fanatics will be up in arms. (e.g. version-history isn't
     defined to contains a DAV:response element) ]

Good point.

The only alternative I can see is to replace every occurrence of
"href" in property definitions with "href|response", but that seems to
me that it would cause more confusion than benefit to the reader.

Since the DAV:response value will only come back in the
DAV:expand-property report, only clients that understand this extended
behavior will encounter it.  So unless the working group feels
otherwise, I will address this point by adding some appropriate text
to the DAV:expand-property section describing this DTD-extending
impact, and not by modifying the DTD's.  Is this OK?


Received on Thursday, 25 January 2001 17:46:27 UTC