RE: DeltaV Draft

Pls see <tim> below.

>    - Highlight in Chapter 6 that the server may set a
> DAV:workspace property
>    when a new working resource is created.  The property is
> asserted by servers
>    that utilize server-managed workspaces for resource management.
> I agree that a server that supports both workspaces and working
> resources might reasonably make such an association, and a server is
> certainly allowed to set a DAV:workspace property on a working
> resource (since any resource can have a DAV:workspace property) but
> what would a client do with this property value (i.e. what
> interoperability would we get by highlighting this fact)?
> We've already got a complex spec, so I try to leave out anything
> that doesn't directly contribute to interoperability.

Per our telecon, it was non-obvious to an implementer that the properties
are inherited. I feel that adding a sentence or two like the following:

    A server may set a DAV:workspace property when a new
    working resource is created.  The property is asserted
    by servers that utilize server-managed workspaces for
    resource management.

    The properties are not inherited (so it is good that this is
    not 'obvious' :-)  The additional property is described in 7.2
    as part of the Server-Workspace Option.

    My objection to your sentence is that it further implies that
    the DAV:workspace property is particular to certain resource
    types, and it is intended to apply to *any* defined type.

is clear as to what the property is and when it is set in the context of
working resources creation.  I feel that a client usage discussion would
actually make the Draft Specification harder to read.

A client can use this property-value to its advantage for a number of
reasons: it can initiate a single cleanup instruction to the server by
asking for a workspace deletion, the client can decide to generate the next
working resource in the same workspace in order to due synchronization in
off-line editing, and others.

  I agree with your observation, and agree that such a 'client usage
  discussion' would not be appropriate in the spec.


Received on Tuesday, 16 January 2001 04:38:32 UTC