RE: What is a supported property?

I like it!
(I believe it should "405" rather than "501" though.)

For supported reports, how about just adding a DAV:supported-report
precondition to the REPORT method?  Then we can say:
"A report is supported if the response to a REPORT request
for that report is not 403 with a DAV:supported-report error token".

Now how about properties?  2518 only defines a 404
(not found) value, so we would have to extend that.
Unfortunately, we probably shouldn't use 405, since
that's defined as "Method Not Allowed".  Probably
best to just add a DAV:supported-property precondition
to the PROPFIND method?  Then we can say:
"A live property is supported if the response to a
PROPFIND request for that property is not 403 with a
DAV:supported-property error token".

How does this sound to everyone else (both the general approach,
and the specifics)?  I assume nobody wants to support my
original approach (I sure don't :-).


-----Original Message-----
From: Lisa Dusseault []

What about

'A method is supported if the server is not going to return a "501 Not
Implemented" whenever the method is received for that resource.'

There could be similar wordings for live-property and report, based on
whether the server will succeed or fail a request for that property/report.


Received on Friday, 22 June 2001 18:01:58 UTC