- From: Tim Ellison <Tim_Ellison@uk.ibm.com>
- Date: Wed, 27 Jun 2001 14:26:45 +0100
- To: Ietf-Dav-Versioning <ietf-dav-versioning@w3.org>
"Clemm, Geoff" <gclemm@rational.com> wrote: > I like it! > (I believe it should "405" rather than "501" though.) > > For supported reports, how about just adding a DAV:supported-report > precondition to the REPORT method? Then we can say: > "A report is supported if the response to a REPORT request > for that report is not 403 with a DAV:supported-report error token". > > Now how about properties? 2518 only defines a 404 > (not found) value, so we would have to extend that. > Unfortunately, we probably shouldn't use 405, since > that's defined as "Method Not Allowed". Probably > best to just add a DAV:supported-property precondition > to the PROPFIND method? Then we can say: > "A live property is supported if the response to a > PROPFIND request for that property is not 403 with a > DAV:supported-property error token". > > How does this sound to everyone else (both the general approach, > and the specifics)? I assume nobody wants to support my > original approach (I sure don't :-). I'd just point out that this is not granting the same assurances as the original approach. "Clemm, Geoff" <gclemm@rational.com> wrote: > 3.1.3 DAV:supported-method-set (protected) > > This property identifies the methods that are supported by the > resource. A method is supported by a resource if an application of > that method to that resource has the semantics defined by the features > supported by that resource. This states that the method must not only be understood (i.e. not simply '405 Method Not Allowed') but that it must have the semantics defined for that resource. > 3.1.4 DAV:supported-live-property-set (protected) > > This property identifies the live properties that are supported by the > resource. A live property is supported by a resource if that property > has the semantics defined for that property. Similar to above for methods. This states that the server must retain the meaning of the property defined in the specification. > 3.1.5 DAV:supported-report-set (protected) > > This property identifies the reports that are supported by the > resource. A report is supported by a resource if it produces the > results defined for that report. Although others have argued that servers may, in the future, redefine the meaning of methods etc., I think it is fair to state in the DeltaV spec that when a server advertises support for a method/property/report using the DAV:supported-*-set's it should have (at least) the semantics defined in this specification. Tim (desperately trying not to start another philosophical argument).
Received on Wednesday, 27 June 2001 09:27:17 UTC