RE: Question on Checking (of Working Resource vs. VCR): is this r ight?

It's not your user which needs to do the CHECKIN/UPDATE
sequence, but rather your client (hopefully you will not
be exposing your user to the working resource URL either).

So your user just issues a "checkin" (or "freeze" or whatever
you want them to call it) operation, and to implement it,
your client issues a CHECKIN (which returns the URL of the
newly created version), and then an UPDATE (which makes then
makes the content and dead properties of the specified URL
be those of the new version.

A CHECKIN against a checked-in URL will just fail (you can
only issue a CHECKIN against something that is checked-out,
such as an in-place checked-out vcr, or a working resource.


-----Original Message-----
From: John Hall []
Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2001 6:56 PM
To: 'Clemm, Geoff';
Subject: RE: Question on Checking (of Working Resource vs. VCR): is this
r ight?

I have a non-forking server and I will not allow people to check out a
prior version, which seems to be allowed in the spec.

I'm willing to refuse to allow a CHECKIN on the working copy and require
it be issued on the VCR.  But a CHECKIN that doesn't 'check the file in'
violates the expectations of every user of every source control system
I've ever seen.

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Clemm, Geoff

A working resource can be created by checking out
an arbitrary version, so in general, it is not
associated with any VCR.

So you do need to support either the update feature
or the merge feature if you support the working resource feature (that
is why the client-side workspace package contains the update feature. 


-----Original Message-----
From: John Hall []
Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2001 3:15 PM
To: 'Clemm, Geoff';
Subject: Question on Checking (of Working Resource vs. VCR): is this

My user performs a CHECKOUT, PUT, and CHECKIN.  He wants the contents to
change, and he wants a new version.

I'm using working resources.

To get this behavior, the user must:
2) PUT on the working copy identified by the Location URL in the
CHECKOUT response.

It appears that if they do a CHECKIN on the working copy, they will not
get what they expect.  9.4 indicates that they create a 'version' but
that the VCR doesn't know about it.

Since I don't support UPDATE or MERGE I seem to have two options.  Fail
the CHECKIN on a working copy or treat it as a CHECKIN on the VCR

Received on Thursday, 14 June 2001 23:33:25 UTC