RE: Removing the DAV:activity and DAV:version-history and DAV:bas eline resource type values

I think Tim's point was that if "under version control" 
(e.g. "version-controlled-resource") is part of
the "type" of a resource, then "checked-out" and "checked-in" 
would equally usefully be considered as part of the type
(since the significantly affect what methods can be
applied to that resource).

In each case, you have the same resource (i.e. when you
put a resource under version control, it is the same resource
but has some additional live properties and methods you can
apply to it).


-----Original Message-----
From: Stefan Eissing []
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2001 6:27 AM
To: DeltaV (E-mail)
Subject: AW: Removing the DAV:activity and DAV:version-history and DAV
:baseline resource type values

> []Im Auftrag von
> [...]
> My view of the world...
> Here's the list of elements that could appear in a DAV:resourcetype.  Some
> of these can be combined to provide a really meaningful experience for the
> client.  Obviously, some combinations are invalid.
>      <DAV:checked-in/>
>      <DAV:checked-out/>
>      <DAV:collection/>
>      <DAV:working-resource/>
>      <DAV:version-controlled-resource/>
>      <DAV:version/>
>      <DAV:version-history/>
>      <DAV:workspace/>
>      <DAV:version-controlled-configuration/>
>      <DAV:baseline/>
>      <DAV:activity/>

What is your rationale for checked-in/out in the type? I think
I have missed something in the spec, since it feels like a
property to me.

> So,
> <DAV:resourcetype>
>      <DAV:activity/>
> </DAV:resourcetype
> would be good, that is, not surprisingly, an activity resource.
> <DAV:resourcetype>
>      <DAV:checked-out/>
>      <DAV:version-controlled-resource/>
>      <DAV:collection/>
>      <DAV:workspace/>
> </DAV:resourcetype>
> would be good too, it is a checked-out, version-controlled resource for a
> workspace collection.  And so on.
> Tim

Received on Wednesday, 6 June 2001 11:02:13 UTC