Re: Formatting ASP.NET code

VS.NET 2003 is not XHTML compatible to begin with..

But, the tags are complete tags:

and so forth..

I haven't seen do something that would look like XML processing
instruction (<?... >) tough.

 >>> Tidy probably sees the <asp:> tag
  > Just curious: VS.NET uses tags that kinda *look* like
  > XML namespaced tags ( <ns:tag> ) but lack the tag part?
  >> uc? tags
  > And things that *look* like processing instructions
  > ( <?xml .... ?> ) but with the question mark on the
  > other side?
  > I like Zope Page Templates .. they're proper X(HT)ML.
  > --
  > Jean Jordaan

Received on Thursday, 15 July 2004 08:11:09 UTC