Re: Latest Tidy builds and 'error-file' (TopStyle)

Hi Nick,

I have a pending commit to fix this issue for the command line tool.  The 
library doesn't automatically handle that option.  Use tidySetErrorFile() 
to direct messages to a new file.

take it easy,

At 08:39 AM 12/5/2002 -0600, Nick Bradbury \(TopStyle\) wrote:

>I'm the author of TopStyle, a CSS/(X)HTML editor for Windows.  The
>latest version of TopStyle offers integration with HTML Tidy, and I've
>had some reports that newer Tidy builds don't work with TopStyle.
>TopStyle uses the 'error-file' setting to create an error log, and then
>parses this log to display error messages (see
> for an example).
> >From what I can tell, the latest builds fail to create the error log,
>even when 'error-file' is set.  This worked perfectly with the May 2002
>build - has something changed with the 'error-file' setting since then?
>Thanks for your time,
>Nick Bradbury
>TopStyle CSS/HTML/XHTML Editor

Received on Thursday, 5 December 2002 10:20:19 UTC