Latest Tidy builds and 'error-file' (TopStyle)

I'm the author of TopStyle, a CSS/(X)HTML editor for Windows.  The
latest version of TopStyle offers integration with HTML Tidy, and I've
had some reports that newer Tidy builds don't work with TopStyle.
TopStyle uses the 'error-file' setting to create an error log, and then
parses this log to display error messages (see for an example).

>From what I can tell, the latest builds fail to create the error log,
even when 'error-file' is set.  This worked perfectly with the May 2002
build - has something changed with the 'error-file' setting since then?

Thanks for your time,
Nick Bradbury
TopStyle CSS/HTML/XHTML Editor

Received on Thursday, 5 December 2002 09:39:24 UTC