RE: Viruses - I'm fed up too

Usually a .scr, but one was a .pif, I think.  Your ISP (or mail service 
provider) may be running an email virus scan.

At 02:55 PM 10/26/2002 -0400, Jelks Cabaniss wrote:

>Charles Reitzel wrote:
> > +1
> > Ideally, it should only strip out executable attachments
> > (including the virus favorites .pif, .scr, .mpeg, etc.).
>MS Outlook 2002 doesn't any attachment to those emails here, not even a
>message that it has blocked access to one (which it shows when a .EXE,
>etc. is attached).
>With a View Source, I do see this:
>         <iframe src=cid:qhth height=0 width=0>
>         </iframe>
>What is 'qhth'?  And more to the point, how are others here "seeing" the

Received on Sunday, 27 October 2002 07:23:34 UTC