RE: About HTML 4.01 Strict

> Whilst I can see that it might look off-topic it has always 
> been one of
> the few things I've disliked about Tidy that it takes my <div
> align="center"> lines and turns them into a CSS text-align styles that
> don't do the same thing for, for example, aligning tables.  [And I do
> use CSS for everything that I (and enough browsers) can].

The primarily problem with using ALIGN is that it's deprecated
(, and thus the
code wouldn't validate for 4.01 Strict (IIRC).

So, I then have a question for the group: what method can I use to center
block-level elements (such as tables) such that the code will validate to
4.01 Strict or (even better) XHTML 1.0 Strict?

I'm fairly fluent with CSS, but the only somewhat-applicable property that I
see is "text-align" which, obviously, has no effect on images, tables, and
the like.

Alex Bischoff                                              3812078 on ICQ
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Received on Tuesday, 13 February 2001 10:25:21 UTC