About HTML 4.01 Strict

I'm trying to be a good little netizen and make few pages that conform 
to "4.01 strict" as determined by the w3 html validator. I noticed that 
in addition to <center> being deprecated the align="center" is also 
deprecated from div, and p tags.

The page layout is something like this

(cheesy ascii drawing:)
|       +--+----------+--+         |
|       |  |banner img|  |         |
|       |  +----------+  |         |
|       |text text text t|         |
|       |ext text text te|         |
|       |xt text text tex|         |
|       |t.              |         |
|       +----------------+         |

The outer box represents the page dimensions.

I orginally had a <div align="center"> around the whole
page so that the 400px block would sit centered on the page, with
the text wrapped within it, left aligned, and the banner centered.

How do I accomplish this without using the align attribute?
The only style setting I can find is "text-align: center" which
seems to have no affect.

so basically its like this right now:

<div style="width: 400px; border: black 1px solid;">
   <p style="text=align: center;">
       <img src="banner.jpg" width=400 height=150>
   <p style="text-align: left; left-margin: 15pt; right-margin: 15pt;"> 
       Text text text text text text text text
               text text text text text text text text text
               text text text text text

and I want that DIV centered on the page.



Bischoff, Alex wrote

>> Anyways, the question at hand, why isn't this document validating a
>> Strict?
> Well, the "<!--"/"-->" commenting style isn't allowed in XHTML Strict. The
> new syntax is, as I understand it: <[CDATA[comment goes in here]]>
> Also, with Strict, deprecated attributes are not allowed (CSS must be used
> instead). On the IMG tag, these include align, border, hspace, and vspace.
> And, of course, your DTD should be set to "strict" as well. So, I dunno if
> that'll solve all your validation problems, but it's a start :).
> Alex Bischoff                                              3812078 on ICQ
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>  Proof That There is Strength in Numbers --> http://www.distributed.net/ 

Received on Monday, 12 February 2001 17:24:55 UTC