Re: Tidy lib again Was: Thread safety & encodings support


C-Tidy runs on every platform that you can compile it on, and it requires 
on Windows systems about 140kB, on Linux about 120kB.
Java-Tidy runs only on systems that have the Java Runtime Environment 
installed, for which I just checked:
         j2re-1_3_1-win.exe = 5,364,696 bytes
         j2re-1_3_1-linux-i386-rpm.bin = 14,842,795 bytes

Besides that, how would you use JTidy on a system to which you only have 
FTP and HTTP access, no Telnet, SSH or other remote console? And Java is 
not (yet) set up on the target machine?


At 14:19 18.05.2001 +0000, Kevin Brannen wrote:
>Tin Le wrote:
> >
> > On Fri, 18 May 2001, Reitzel, Charlie wrote:
> >
> > > There has been some discussion of setting up a source forge project 
> for Tidy
> > > and refactoring it as a linked lib w/ a command line driver.   We 
> have yet
> > > to hear back from Dave Raggett or anyone else at the w3c about the 
> idea.  I
> > > think it is time to "just do it".
> >
> > > ....
> >
> > As Gary said, there is already a JTidy project setup on Source Forge.
> > It's the Java version, were you thinking of setting up a parallel one
> > for the C version?
> >
> > It would be good to join in with the JTidy project and keep code forking
> > from happening.
>Along these lines, why set up a new project?  Why not just deprecate the C
>version, and go forth with the Java version (since Java is supposed to be
>write once run anywhere)?  Especially since they already have a source
>force account and so forth already set up.
>Just another $.02,

Sebastian Lange
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Received on Monday, 21 May 2001 03:04:32 UTC