Bug? Tidy adding style definitions when the option is off!

Hi Dave,

I've been using your excellent Tidy along with the equally excellent
HTML-Kit for some time now, and I'm not sure if I've changed a setting
somewhere, but...

Tidy now appears to automatically upgrade my HTML to style sheets even
though I have the option to "Upgrade to Style Sheets" switched off.

It's not all bad news, the Style Sheet's is does produce are correct :-)

How do I stop it doing this?  The web sites I am responsible for cannot
contain style sheets due to the wide range of browsers I must support.

And on a completely unrelated note...

How do I stop TIDY from inserting a CR in <TD> tags?  Its screws with my
delicate (ha!) formatting and I have to go back and remove the whitespace by

Thanks again for the superb work - especially the PHP friendly additions
that have been made.

Richard Allsebrook
Applications & Web Developer
Easysoft Limited

Received on Thursday, 2 December 1999 04:56:56 UTC