Re: tables?

Hi John

On Thu, 2 Dec 1999, John Littler wrote:

> As far as I can tell html-tidy doesn't seem to handle
> two columns of nested tables. I passed it over one doc
> and it produced a staggered set ...
> from XXXX   XXXX
>      XXXX   XXXX
> to
>      XXXX
>             XXXX
>      XXXX
>             XXXX
> Am I doing something wrong here?

I did not experience any such difficutlties. One commmon problem with
nested tables occurs when the author omits the optinoal end tags. If
this is not the reason of your problem, please provide the URL of the
page tidy has problems with.

> ah, also it picks up <img> tags and
> declares no "alt"s have been used when the <img> tag is
> used as "background=" in a <td>. That's bogus.

Depends on your point of view. The W3C HTML 4.x standards defines alt as
being a required attribute for any kind of image. When tidy parses your
document, it tries to associate the most appropriate HTML standard to
your document and follows that standards requirements. So if tidy parses
your document as HTML 4.0, tidy does not care whether that standard is
bogus or not, it just follows it. 

BTW: you can define the standard your document follows with the Doctype
declaration at the top of your document.

Hope this helps, 

Cheers alex

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Received on Thursday, 2 December 1999 04:57:19 UTC