Re: [Fwd: My future of HTML position paper]

On Wed, 13 May 1998, Dave Raggett wrote:

> In addition to the above, I think its worth considering how to
> integrate vector graphics (soon to be the subject of a new W3C
> working group), math (MathML) and mechanisms for synchronising
> multimedia (SMIL).

Is there something wrong with sticking with the OBJECT element for
including data such as vector graphics and MathML?  (SMIL sounds like a
more involved issue. I don't know much about it at the momment.)

Russell O'Connor                 
``And truth irreversibly destroys the meaning of its own message''
-- Anindita Dutta, ``The Paradox of Truth, the Truth of Entropy''

Received on Wednesday, 13 May 1998 07:58:00 UTC