Re: Question about number types

At 2:18 PM -0400 2008-07-02, Alan Ruttenberg wrote:
>Was there at any point explicit rejection of have a mathematical 
>real number datatype (possibly augmented with some constants such as 
>INF, -INF) from which the rest of the numeric types were defined by 

Yes.  There is a potential hierarchy of complex numbers, real numbers,
and rational numbers that could exist above our decimal datatype.  Not
many systems implement them, and conformance to our spec requires that
all datatypes be implemented, at least enough to pass from one system
to another.  So we didn't include them.  But I think what you probably
want is to derive float and double from decimal.  The problem with that
is that such a derivation would violate a fundamental property that
we wanted derivation to have:  If a value is removed from the value
space during a derivation, that automatically removes its lexical
representations from the lexical space.  However, float and double
require that strings that exactly represent a decimal value not in
the float or double value space be mapped to the nearest value that
is in the lexical space.

Rather than remove that fundamental property of derivation, we decided
to leave float and double as separate primitives.

Trying to define equality (for example) across, say, decimal and float,
leads to its own problems:  In float, 0.1 and 0.10000000009 are the
same number (exactly 0.100000001490116119384765625, i believe).  In
decimal, they are different.  (Both 0.1 and 0.10000000009 are in the
value space of decimal, but neither is in the value space of float.
Because we round exact values of literals whose exact value is not
in the float value space, the float values 0.1 and 0.10000000009 are
equal.  We would expect the statement '0.1 = 0.10000000009' to be
true.  On the other hand, '0.1 = 0.10000000009' is false in the
decimal datatype.  If we allow comparison across the two datatypes,

   o  '0.1(float) = 0.1(decimal)' presumably true,
   o  '0.1(decimal) = 0.10000000009(decimal)' false,
   o  '0.10000000009(decimal) = 0.10000000009(float)' presumably true

But from that (a = b != c = d) we can conclude (a != d), i.e.
'0.1(float) = 0.10000000009(float)' is false.

I don't believe there is any way to make a meaningful equality across
float and double that retains the usual rules about equality (e.g.,
reflexive, symmetric, transitive) and allows you to compare other than
exact values.  Or do you want '0.1(float) = 0.1(decimal)' to be
false?  (So that the only decimal value equal to 0.1(float) is

>We have a discussion going in the OWL working group, part of which 
>is about the desirability of comparing a float to an integer. If 
>they are disjoint, then that doesn't seem possible. However, it 
>seems well defined to ask whether "2.1"^^xsd:float > "2"^^xsd:int

Easy to pick carefully selected values that make sense.  But can you
give me a way to filter out the ones where it doesn't make sense (as
in the equality example above)?  If you go by exact values, then
2.1(float) > 2.10000000009(decimal).  That doesn't seem very intuitive
to me.
Dave Peterson

Received on Wednesday, 2 July 2008 21:25:44 UTC