Fixes to the test-suite

    Dear all,

Here are some bugs that may need to be fixed in the test-suite wrt to 
message exchange tests:
    1) MessageTest-2G: ignoreUncited=true is used for EchoName but the 
MiddleName parameter is not optional in the schema and not present in 
the location property. Making it optional in the schema may be a simple fix.
    2) MessageTest-3G: #any is used for the Send function which is bound 
to a GET request. POST or PUT would be better suited.
    3) LocationTemplate-1G: ignoreUncited=true is used in the Escaping 
binding. This binding does not allow the serialization of a mandatory 
'time' parameter. We could either set ignoreUncited to false or change 
the dateSpace element definition so that it is nillable or minOccurs=0.
These fixes should improve the exchange results, at least ours...

Jonathan, if that is ok with you, can you update the test-suite?
Keith, can you send messages to our MessageTest-2G endpoint?


Received on Friday, 2 February 2007 13:22:52 UTC