Draft Minutes 18th Dec 2003 - with attendence query

NOTE: unidentified party ??P40 joined telecon at 17:22:16 and did not leave, 
may be "dlm" - I am not sure who that is, Deb? Might be CharlesW who is 
recorded as leaving but not joining.


Chair: Guus
Scribe: Jeremy
irc log (needs access changing)


  Approve review of QA with edits agreed and editorial discretion to Evan
  Publish Sean's document as WG note

New Actions
Note: action amnesty declared.
  Evan    Send msg 0065 with edits to QA
  jjc Propose editorial change theory to map
  jjc expand proposal to modify 205 without Full
 Sandro act as team contact for Sean's note
 Jim Add annotation property to agenda for 15th January


(2 AOBs added, Sean's doc, and FYI on best practices WG)

1.0 Admin

Role Call:
Yasser, Guus, Mike_Dean, jjc, Ian_Horrocks, Deb_Mcguinness, Evan_Wallace, 
HermanT, DanC, SeanB, Sandro and JimH, mike smith,  CharlesW

Regrets weren't taken, scribe notes the following from the mailing list:
de Roo, Euzenat, Gibbins, Heflin

Next Call 15th January 2004
(propose Guus, second Dan)

2.0 Proposed Recommendation (WOOHOO)
OWL is a Proposed Recommendation

Thanks to Dan Connolly, Sandro Hawke.
Also thanks to Jeremy Carroll for effort on Test.
Thanks to all the editors.
Whole group should feel proud.

Please encourage your AC reps to give feedback on the OWL PR and the RDF PR.

Note the AC advises the director who makes the decision.

DanC gave an explanation of the PR process, this is omitted from the minutes.

(Sean's doc added as AOB)
3.0 Approve minutes of last call  (Nov 13)
RESOLVED minutes approved

4.0 Action review

There are no pending actions on documents
action amnesty declared.
(outstanding actions may be completed but are no longer required)

5.0 Discussion of QA review
part II of review is a case study for their guidelines
Discussion of whether msg should be split into parts I,III and II

RESOLVED: Approve review of QA with edits agreed and editorial discretion to 
ACTION Evan Send msg 0065 with edits to QA

Lots verbally in favour, none against, none abstains

Thanks to Evan and Jeremy for review.

6.0 Errata
Discussion of if/how we can handle errata at this time.

DanC gave an explanation of the process - a few highlights.
+ the documents now belong to the director
+ we may make minor changes in editors draft but
   - the cost is high
   - all changes need to be carefully tracked
   - changes should be made in response to outside comment.
   - fixing typos is OK
+ must not cross line where someone who voted for PR is unhappy with REC

AC reps may make comments which include fixes
AC reps can add comments after having voted

Discussion of XMLLiteral in OWL
see thread starting with
This was the major item this call.

The discussion started with many agreeing (slowly) that S&AS was the normative 
defn of OWL and Test is subsidiary to it.
Herman makes the point that the text of tests misc-201-204 needs to change in 
his position (and misc-205 should be obsoleted).
We discussed these five tests particular misc-205 see


Crucially,  if you have not added reasoning for rdf:XMLLiteral then test 205 
comes out this way, and the four passes for this test indicate that some 
implementors have chosen to not implement rdf:XMLLiteral (or to allow it to 
be switched off)

Hendler: if you have not added reasoning for rdf:XMLLiteral then test 205 
comes out this way.

Herman points to D interpretations being imported in section 5 of S&AS from 
RDF Semantics, D interpretations in RDF Semantics have rdf:XMLLiteral.

Horrocks: section 3 of S&AS definitely does not contain this condition

Herman suggested that the tests depend on section 5 countered, Carroll 
countered by pointing that the primary link from say 
http://www.w3.org/TR/owl-test/#testConsistency is into section 3 of S&AS with 
a secondary link into section 5 of S&AS.

Herman: if OWL DL does not support rdf:XMLLiteral then it is not a semantic 
ext of RDFS

(Sandro and Jim made IRC comments against requiring rdf:XMLLiteral that were 
not part of the verbal telecon)

Herman wanted to add rdf:XMLLiteral to sections 3 and 5 of S&AS and make 
consequential editorial changes. He asserts this is merely a clarification 
(fixing a possible misreading)

Jeremy suggested changing section 5 of S&AS as a clarification and making 
consequential changes in test, principally that misc-205 would be a Lite only 

Jeremy also suggested that the editorial change of s/datatype theory/datatype 
map/ in test to bring it into line with the terminology in S&AS is a good 

Herman believes Carroll proposal (change to test misc-205) is better than no 

Carroll noted that business arguments moved him more than technical arguments 
in this case.
No consensus was reached.

ACTION jjc Propose editorial change theory to map
ACTION jjc expand proposal to modify 205 without Full

(there was further discussion of dates)

Discussion of annotation property
(Item skipped)

ACTION Hendler Add annotation property to agenda for 15th January

7.0 AOB - Sean's Parsing OWL document

RESOLVED publishing Sean's document as WG note

(we did not use a URL the scribe understood it to be the one discussed in
ACTION Sandro act as team contact for Sean's note



Call for discussion on charter of BP group to take places in Cannes
WebOnt WG will not be meeting in Cannes
There will be a party for WebOnt WG members at Cannes

Received on Thursday, 18 December 2003 16:46:07 UTC