ANY in the DASL spec

There are lots of definitions where I feel as if we are just copping out by
defining an element to be ANY.

8.4 DAV:where -- change ANY to DAV:operator (I think Jim is also going to
need DAV:operator to be defined for 8.9), and define DAV:operator to be
(and | or | not | eq | lt | lte | gt | gte | contains)

8.5 DAV:sortby -- change ANY to (prop | rank)

8.7 all of the search operators -- change ANY to (prop | literal)

Name:		Judith A. Slein
Phone:  	(716) 422-5169
Fax:		(716) 422-2938

Xerox Corporation
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Webster, NY 14580

Received on Friday, 17 April 1998 17:31:18 UTC