Re: An exciting inference?

* Jonathan Borden <> [2003-03-17 15:31-0500]
> Roger L. Costello wrote:
> >
> > Okay, that's the scenario outline.  Can someone fill in the details?
> > Remember, it must be *simple* and it must lead to this inference:
> >
> >    The Robber and the Speeder are the same person.
> >
> This inference might be entailed from the use of an _inverse functional
> property_. Let's assume for the sake of discussion that there is some type
> of biometric property that can undoubtedly identify a person (that is for
> each value of "fingerprint" there is at most one individual to which this
> belongs)
> e.g.
> ex:Speeder foo:fingerprint urn:uuid:12345... .
> ex:Robber foo:fingerprint urn:uuid:12345... .
> foo:fingerprint a owl:InverseFunctionalProperty .
> =>
> ex:Speeder owl:sameIndividualAs ex:Robber .

Actually there is a property in FOAF that fits this usecase. Not
'fingerprint', but foaf:dnaChecksum. It was intended as a JOKE! but 
also a warning of technology potential... (see also various concerns
many have with TIA, eg.

See (view src) for 
foaf:dnaChecksum definition. I didn't actually specify an algorithm or 
even concrete syntax, needless hopefully to say...

<rdf:Property rdf:about="" 
	rdfs:label="DNA checksum"
	rdfs:comment="A checksum for the DNA of some thing. Joke.">
        <rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>
        <rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>
        <rdfs:isDefinedBy rdf:resource=""/>


Received on Monday, 17 March 2003 15:45:29 UTC