Common RDF parser bug?

The following defect report against the W3C's ARP-based RDF Validator:


suggests a violation of the following part of M&S:

When a resource represents a reified statement; that is, it has an 
RDF:type property with a value of RDF:Statement, then that resource 
must have exactly one RDF:subject property, one RDF:object property, 
and one RDF:predicate property.

Since this defect report appears to be accurate and all of the online RDF 
parsers (ARP, SWI, CARA, Profium, Raptor, RDFStore) listed at:


seem to have this defect, if you are responsible for a parser listed
at [2], you may want to review [1].  

Art Barstow

Received on Saturday, 19 January 2002 13:45:40 UTC