Re: Monotony

I expect monotony will always be preserved anywhere there are people. 
Monotonicity, however, is another question.  


Seth Russell wrote:
> Re:
> Where Patrick Stickler says:
>      "This either seems non-monotonic" ...
> This unwritten law that states that logic on the semantic web must
> always be non-monotonic is getting to sound more like a religious
> incantation than a pragmatic rule of thumb.  Personally I think it is
> time to examine this liturgy in the light of day.   Can anyone show me
> how you expect to always preserve monotony in a world where new
> knowledge can be discovered, facts can change, and anybody can say
> anything about anything ?
> Pertinent graphs:
> Incidentally, Guha, did I get the graph right?
> Seth Russell

Frank Manola                   The MITRE Corporation
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Received on Thursday, 10 October 2002 12:04:05 UTC