Answer to comment about the complexities of normative references

Dear Björn,

Thanks for your comments on the Last Call version of the QA Framework:
Specification Guidelines[0] - 22 November 2004

After two weeks from now (on May 18, 2005), the lack of answer will  
be considered as if you had accepted the comment.

Thank you for your detailed comments and contribution [1] about the  
complexities of properly handling normative references.  The QA  
Working Group entered this as issue #984 [2], and has accepted the  
comment.  We have changed the text of SpecGL [3] to encompass the  
breadth of the complexities you described, while at the same time  
have tried to preserve reasonable brevity in the SpecGL text itself.


Karl Dubost
QA Working Group Chair

Received on Tuesday, 3 May 2005 16:01:47 UTC