Re: october f2f dates (was Re: Proposed 5/23 (Thurs) telcon agenda)

At 12:05 AM 5/24/02 +0900, Olivier Thereaux wrote:
>[...] it should be fine whatever date we choose.

Constraints?  From a WG timeline perspective, September actually looked 
better.  But I believe that you said "typhoon season".  When, effectively, 
has the risk dropped to a low enough level, in your view?  Are there any 
other constraints in Sept through early October?

>It would
>certainly be good to decide the date/place well in advance, although I
>think we could wait to discuss details during the MTL face-to-face
>If you want to discuss dates during today's telcon, that's fine with me,
>just keep me informed.

Since it's okay with you, we will do it then, and see if we can have a 
tentative decision.


Received on Thursday, 23 May 2002 11:39:04 UTC