Re: SVG Tiny bidi tests


I just had a short look into the source code of a few of these
nice and informative tests. 
Some comments:

- There is no color 'orange' in SVGT1.2 (use numeric notation or a 
solidColor definition)

- I think, this can be removed from the tests:
"<p>   You can add other paragraphs, or other 
            XHTML block elements that are allows as children of the XHTML  
            body element like tables, lists, etc. 

- add pass/fail condition in the description 
(or note the description completely as pass condition)

- One idea to improve several tests: the first and last glyph of 
each test text could be decorated with two different colors, 
this simplifies testing and identifying direction errors, 
even if the tester does not know the meaning of the glyphs
or there are only missing glyph symbols, if the viewer has no
fitting font.


Received on Saturday, 8 November 2008 13:55:52 UTC