RE: Editorial comments for Part 1, section 4-app A

Status: All done except question pending mail

>>General Comments
>>* We are inconsistent in the use of the term "SOAP message
>>infoset". Variants include
>>- SOAP message infoset
>>- SOAP Message Infoset
>>- SOAP envelope infosets
>>- SOAP XML Infoset
>>- Envelope XML infosets
>>I would recommend: "SOAP message infoset"
>Just do it


>>* We are inconsistent in the use of the term "infoset" in
>>places not covered by the above. Variants include
>>- Infoset
>>- infoset
>>- XML Infoset
>>- XML infoset
>>I would recommend: "XML infoset"


>Just do it
>>* I assume the new namespace will be
>Update after we move the spec into new location


>>Specific Comments
>>* S5.2.1, bullet 4: Add bullet for "relay" attribute information item
>Same as Gudge's point. Just do it.


>>* S5.2.4, 3 (just after bullet list): xs:boolean should be
>>marked (italic)
>Just do it 


>>* S5.3 bullet list: Is it intentional that Body can't contain
>>any character II children even if header blocks and fault detail can?
>Ask the WG. Should detail and body be the same? Ok that header 
>block is different. Henrik to send mail.

Pending mail

>>* S5.3.1, bullet 1: Why do we have a namespace note on the
>>body child elements descendents but not on header block 
>>descendents? Also, the former says "MAY" namespace qualify 
>>whereas the latter says "SHOULD". Shouldn't we be consistent?
>It's ok as is.


>>* S5.4, P2 (just after bullet list): Change "only child of the
>>SOAP Body" with "only child of the SOAP Body element information item"
>It should say only child element II of the body EII


>>*, P1: Change "TheSupportedEnvelope" to "The 
>Just do it.


Henrik Frystyk Nielsen

Received on Tuesday, 10 December 2002 01:35:52 UTC