Where's Bobby? Are we left with Cynthia?

Hi All,
I threw together another website recently and wanted to ensure I'd at
least covered the accessibility basics. I used to use Bobby to keep me
on the straight and narrow; and then use his Bobby badge to prove I'd
made the effort and to encourage others to do the same.
When I looked, Bobby had gone! At least what's left is very cut down and
the badges are not there any more.
Is there a substitute for Bobby for those of us that are trying to do
the right thing and then want to brag about it? Cynthia was helpful but
it's not a clean solution, not as neat as Bobby was.
Where is Bobby? I miss him. What's the next best thing?
PS Sorry this email sounds funny, I am actually quite serious. Bobby was
extremely useful and I'd like to know what they alternatives are.

Received on Friday, 27 January 2006 02:06:31 UTC